Monday, December 6, 2010

2D 1N Starcruise Super Star Libra + Penang

2天1晚 5星級豪華麗星郵輪-天枰星號+檳城遊 (買10送1)
2Days 1Nights Starcruise Super Star Libra + Penang (BUY 10 FREE 1)

RM 299 per person (Twin Shared)
出發日期:1月8號 / 1月15號

Departure Date: 8 Jan or 15 Jan 2011 (Limited Seat)

Pick Up / Drop Off: KUCHAI LAMA KFC

Itinerary / 行程表:
第一天 吉隆坡 - 槟城                                          (晚餐)
吉隆坡出发(KUCHAI LAMA KFC)乘搭旅遊巴士前往槟城, 抵达后,前往卧佛寺 (Wat Chaiya Mangkalaram),建于19世纪的卧佛寺,位于车水路。该佛寺融合了中国、泰国和缅甸的建筑风格,华丽且精雕细琢。寺内供奉着一尊长达33米,排名世界第叁大的卧佛像,仅次于缅甸和泰国的大佛。之后前往PLAZA GURNEY自由購物(午餐自理)。大概4點鐘左右,送往碼頭办理登记手续,然后登上五星级豪华邮轮自由活动入住一晚麗星邮轮-天枰星號。

第二天 槟城 -吉隆坡                                         (早餐)                  
早餐后,让您在回程前自由活动。之后游览槟城市区 - 极乐寺,依山而建,分为叁层,被誉为东南亚最雄伟的佛教寺庙之一。极乐寺内的大雄宝殿海天佛地光绪皇帝慈禧太后的御笔。另有康有为所题的勿忘故国四字。相信很多槟城人都不知道槟城极乐寺的开山住持妙莲法师将募化来的数万银元献给清朝承担庚子赔款。除了大雄宝殿海天佛地之外,慈禧太后还御赐《龙藏经》之后前往槟城土产, 豆沙餅、豆蔻、香料和草藥。。。之后乘车进怡保市区(午餐自理)土产返回可爱的家园。

DAY 1      KUALA LUMPUR – PENANG                           (DINNER)
Assemble at Kuala Lumpur proceed to Penang by bus. Continue visit the Thai temple, WAT CHAIYA MANGKALARAM is a Thai Buddhist temple in George Town, Penang, most notable for its Reclining Buddha statue. The statue is the 3rd largest of its kind, being 33 meters in length. In the main shrine in front of the Reclining Buddha there are smaller shrines of different Buddhas and popular Thai deities. Continue to PLAZA GURNEY for free shopping (Lunch on Own). Around 4pm, we will transfer to Ocean Terminal for check in to STARCRUISES SUPER STAR LIBRA, one of the most popular cruise ships in Asia-Pacific offers 5 star accommodation, facilities and service. Free at own leisure.

DAY 2      PENANG – KUALA LUMPUR                     (BREAKFAST)
After breakfast, free at own leisure till arrived Ocean Terminal. Continue visit the famous place - Temple of Supreme Bliss, is a Buddhist temple situated in Air Itam in Penang and is one of the best known temples on the island. It is the largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia. Continue to Penang Local Products Shop. Proceed by bus via Ipoh Local Products Shop and your own lunch, then after back to Kuala Lumpur

No. 15-1, Jalan Kuchai Maju 8, Kuchai Entreprenuers Park, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 
58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 603-7987 3799     Fax: 603-7987 4799    Email:

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